Our Story

Of course we have a Stoicism class - how else would our cult be complete? N-Flux is not just a studio to hone your physical skills. Here we train with purpose. We train to be better people - to grow as individuals and as a community.  Stoicism as a philosophy encapsulates all of the skills and thought patterns that support us in those pursuits.

 Stoicism is not about suppressing your emotions, or being cold and calculating to the exclusion of empathy. It’s about developing a healthy relationship with your emotions and the rest of the world so that you can live a happier life. Throughout the centuries, countless Stoics have used the techniques and principles of this philosophy to navigate, survive, thrive and find tranquility in some of history’s harshest conditions. So, we train together to develop our Stoic practice in our everyday lives. 

In our practice we focus on learning to be wise, courageous, self disciplined, and just. We work together to develop these virtues using logic, physics (natural sciences) and ethics. We are not armchair philosophers who simply want to talk about stoicism as a purely intellectual pursuit - we are here to practice. If you are too, join us. Start with the following three steps:

  1. Read Massimo Pigliucci’s “How To Be A Stoic”

  2. Come to our monthly meetings

  3. Be prepared to work