

DC’s Feminist Fight Club | Women’s Self Defense


The idea behind Guerrera's creation is simple: women and femmes deserve to feel confident, strong, and powerful in their bodies. They deserve to take up space, to be aggressive, to know that they are worth fighting for. 

At the same time, women are socialized to do the opposite - to make ourselves small, to apologize unnecessarily, to avoid aggression and confrontation at all costs. Countering those forces requires training. We sought out to provide it through intentional self defense, striking, and grappling programs.

Guerrera is about expressing physical and intellectual power. Guerrera is about fighting back against sexism, objectification, and gender-based violence. Guerrera is about celebrating physical and intellectual feminism in community.

We are proud to be trauma-informed, woman-led, and accessible to beginners.

The best part about Guerrera is the community. We hope you will be a part of it.

Guerrera features several programs:

Self Defense Intensive For Women and Femmes
Friday, 8pm-9pm: Welcome Party and Introductions
Saturday, 8am-10am: Striking
Saturday, 12:30pm-2:30pm: Ground Work
Saturday, 3-5pm: Wrestling
Sunday 10am-12pm: Verbal Advocacy and Deescalation
Sunday 1pm-3pm: Self Defense Scenarios

The Self Defense Intensive for Women and Femmes provides an introduction to self defense. Participants can expect to build a strong foundation in striking, ground work, de-escalation and aggression, and a few self defense scenarios. This program is highly encouraged for beginners.

Guerrera Symbolism

1. Why the name "Guerrera?"

"Guerrera" is the feminine version of the spanish word for warrior. Unfortunately "Guerrero," "Guerrera's" masculine equivalent, is considered the standard for the word. As we work to create space for feminine aggression, we too, look to create a world in which the first image you think of when you hear the word "warrior" is a woman.

2. Why a monkey?

It's not a monkey. It's a bonobo. 

Bonobos are a type of Ape found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They live in matriarchal societies. While the female bonobos recognize that they are not as strong as their male counterparts, they bond together to maintain power and protect each other.

3. What is a femme?

The word “femme” has many definitions that have changed over time. We interpret femme as a person of any gender identity that presents, embodies, or has a lived experience with socialized femininity. We invite and encourage cis, gender non-conforming, and trans women/femmes to become a part of the Guerrera community.